Anatomy of a Yogi


Anatomy of a Yogi offers a holistic experience of your body and how yoga may benefit each system. This book celebrates your uniqueness while embracing all that makes us human. The relatable, comprehensive text and more than 100 beautiful illustrations, invite you to practice yoga from the inside out.


Anatomy of a Yogi: A Beautiful Journey Through the Human Body

Carla Douros and Christine McCabe

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An illustrated yoga anatomy book that lights the path to health and well being. Anatomy of a Yogi is an exceptional book. It simplifies the challenge of understanding your unique (and not so unique!) anatomy while opening you to a greater connection of mind/body/spirit.

This compilation will impart a profound awareness of how yoga benefits your body. It will inspire you to breathe more expansively, stand up straighter and eliminate more efficiently. It will reveal how to allow your heart to beat more effectively and help you to prevent structural injuries. It will create a greater awareness from how to conscientiously feed your body to consciously calming your emotional state. You will be introduced to psychoneuroimmunology, the study of how your emotional well being directly affects your resistance to disease. The knowledge and insight within these pages will bring you the confidence to deepen your poses and reap greater benefits from your yoga practice on and off the mat.

This book is distinctive because it offers a holistic approach to anatomy and physiology. All of the major systems, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, reproductive, endocrine, immune, as well as the traditional musculoskeletal system, are explored in comprehensive detail. Not only will you learn the function of each system, but also how they communicate within and among themselves, and how we can influence the environment of our body to create our best personal universe. It is a complete and comprehensive guide for yoga teacher trainings.

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Anatomy of a Yogi is as much a work of art as it is a holistic anatomy book - the perfect blend of art and science. Over 100 illustrations provide a clean, easily understandable vision of the topics referenced in each chapter. The illustrations were created by Christine McCabe. Christine was born with a natural ability to draw and was an illustrator for Encyclopedia Britannica for over 20 years. Her portfolio is extensive, including numerous medical and scientific drawings; her style is realism with a tender hand. The collaboration with co-author Christine resulted in the book becoming richer on many levels. The content became deeper yet more accessible for people of all levels of inquiry: yoga teachers, yoga practitioners, or anyone curious about the magnificent human body.


The Illustrator: Christine McCabe

Christine welcomes you to visit her portfolio and view more samples of her artwork created for Anatomy of a Yogi and many of her other creations

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Table of Contents

i. Introduction

An invitation for readers to begin the beautiful journey through their bodies.

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1. Nervous System:  The communications highway

We live our lives through our nervous system, the topic of this chapter. The central nervous system regulates all of the sensory input from the environment as well as our corresponding corporeal, emotional, and mental responses. We explore the autonomic nervous system, with its delicate balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic functions that work to keep the body in balance.  We discuss the vital role of neurotransmitters, the body’s chemical messengers. We examine the functions of specific areas of the brain and introduce the concept of neuroplasticity. 

2. Endocrine System:  Love is chemical

The body’s endocrine system is the most sophisticated pharmacy in the universe.  The hormones released by the endocrine glands dictate development and influence our behavior at both the most basic and subtle levels.  This chapter helps readers understand what sparks their basic drives such as hunger, thirst, sleep, and sex.  We look at how hormones and neurotransmitters affect our emotions and how stress impacts our health and well-being.  And we specify the ways that yoga can help us regulate our emotions so that we can respond rather than react—be the calm in the midst of chaos.

3. Immune System:  The peaceful warrior

This chapter introduces the immune cells, tissues, and organs that serve to protect us from harmful agents in the environment and mutant cells within our body.  The complex orchestration of the immune response provides barriers to foreign invaders, recognizes disease-causing pathogens, induces immunity, and so much more. We explore how building a strong, adaptable immune system is the underlying basis of health.

4. Psychoneuroimmunology:  The interconnection of mental and emotional states and physical well-being

The biochemical messengers of mood and cognition directly interact with the immune-brain circuitry. Here we explore the benefits of regular asana practice, which include strength, flexibility, and stamina. We introduce relaxation techniques and meditation, which can bring us to stillness and equanimity and affect our general response to dis-ease.  Knowing the major deterrents to optimal immune function, which are covered in this chapter, enables us to make conscious choices on our path of wellness.


5. Cardiovascular System:  The heart of the matter

This chapter presents the magnificence of the heart, our strongest muscle.  Its inherent electrical circuit beats tirelessly to circulate blood throughout the body.  The vascular structure consists of miles of vessels: arterial, venous, and capillaries, each with its specific role in nourishing every cell in the body.  We explore how blood cells play a vital part in gaseous exchange, transportation of nutrients and hormones, waste removal, and immune system functions.  And we discover how yoga and pranayama directly affect heart function.

6. Respiratory System:  Breathe!!

We offer an overview of the lungs and the flow of breath from inhalation, through the bronchi, to the gaseous exchange at the alveoli.  Learning to consciously control our breath can profoundly affect our health.  Several yogic breathing techniques are described, inspiring readers to breathe more expansively.

7. Digestive System:  We are what we eat

This chapter is an inquiry into the culture of eating:  why, when, what, where, and how.  We look at the structure and function of the digestive tract, with discussion of consumption, absorption, and elimination.  The significance of the microbiome is considered along with the concept of the gut as the “second brain.”  And we delineate the benefits of conscious eating and the role that yoga can play.

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8. Urinary System:  Releasing that which no longer serves us

The body continually excretes waste products through the skin, lungs, liver, and kidneys. In this chapter we focus on the urinary tract, including the roles of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra in the body’s detoxification process. We also look at the process through which the balance of fluids affects blood pressure and explain why strengthening the pelvic floor is important, specifying appropriate yoga asanas to achieve that goal.

9.Reproductive System:  Survival of the species

This chapter looks at the reproductive anatomy and function of females and males from puberty through the aging process.  The benefits of supporting life changes with yoga are highlighted.


10. Skeletal System:  Bare bones

The form and function of the skeleton are discussed, with major bones identified and illustrated.  This chapter explains how joints work and why we need to protect them in our yoga practice.  We explore structural differences between individuals and ways that yoga can promote structural alignment and stimulate bone health. 

11. Muscular System:  Strength and movement

This chapter identifies selected muscles by their location, shape, size, and action.  Emphasis is placed on the importance of connective tissue:  tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and especially the fascia.  We explain how a conscious focus on alignment, flexibility, strength, and balance will enable us to carry ourselves with grace and ease, both on the mat and in our daily life.


12. The Body Electric: Feel the vibes

The physical, subtle, and causal energy layers of the body are introduced.  The five koshas (energy sheaths) and vayus (currents of vital force) are explored.  And we provide an in-depth look at the seven chakras (subtle energy bodies).  


A. Joint-Freeing Exercises designed by Mukunda Stiles

B. Asanas Index

Each asana (posture), with its Sanskrit and English names, is identified.  We provide step-by-step instructions for moving in and out of the pose with proper alignment. We look at the benefits and challenges associated with the asanas along with appropriate modifications of them.

C. Pranayama (Breathing) Exercises

Here we focus on practices to expand lung capacity, oxygenate the body, and increase the flow of vital energy (prana).

D. Glossary of Anatomical and Physiological Terms:  Body Language

Basic definitions of anatomical and physiological terms give readers a working vocabulary with which to navigate this book. And seemingly complicated terms are broken down to their roots, making them accessible to everyone.


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All illustrations and content associated with Anatomy of a Yogi are copyright protected.

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